Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cistern a tank or other receptacle for catching and storing water, especially rainwater.
communal of or belong to members of a group; public; collective.
dirge a song or hymn for a funeral or memorial for the dead.
elitist believing in, supporting, or promoting the superiority of a select or privileged group.
encumber to hinder the normal progress, performance, or use of.
enigma something puzzling, contradictory, or mysterious; something for which a solution cannot be found.
ennui a general feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction, especially with all aspects of life.
natal of or concerning one's birth.
profundity that which involves great insight or intellectual depth.
pursuant following on or proceeding from (usually followed by "to").
reclaim to recover the use of (land areas) by draining, hydrating, or otherwise reconditioning so that the land can be used for agriculture or other purposes.
resilience the ability to resume shape after being pressed or stretched.
temperance habitual moderation in the use of alcoholic drink, or complete abstinence.
theocracy a form of government in which a god or gods are acknowledged as the ultimate authority.
treatise a detailed and formal written work, usually dealing systematically with a single theme or subject.