Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blank without marks or writing.
bud a swelling on a plant that can grow into new parts, such as leaves or a flower.
clothing things that you wear to cover the body; clothes.
disgust to cause a strong feeling against something; to cause someone to feel sick.
flake a small, thin piece that has split off from or peeled off of a surface.
front the most forward part or side of something.
harvest the gathering of ripe crops, or the amount gathered.
household the group of people, such as a family, that lives together in one place.
lane a marked path for vehicles or people going in one direction.
paper a thin material often used to write on, to wrap objects, and to make things such as containers.
shove to push in a rough way or without care.
step each single movement of your foot as you walk.
tired needing sleep or rest.
tool a thing that is used to help a person do work and that is usually held with the hands.
wall one of the structures that forms a room or divides a space.