Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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apprise to inform (often followed by "of").
boudoir a woman's private sitting room or bedroom.
canard a deliberately false story or rumor, usually defamatory to someone.
demulcent an oily or sticky substance used especially to soothe irritation in mucous membranes.
denigrate to deny the worth of; sneer at; belittle.
derision mockery or ridicule.
foment to encourage the development of; instigate or foster.
indolence the tendency to avoid exertion or effort; laziness.
indomitable too strong to be subdued or discouraged; unconquerable.
peremptory not permitting refusal or disobedience.
pliant easily flexed; supple.
pneumatic of, using, or concerning air or other gases.
redoubtable inspiring fear; formidable.
reprisal injury inflicted in retaliation for injury received, as in war; revenge.
welter to roll about or wallow, as in mud or the open sea.