Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cane a stick made of metal or wood that helps someone walk.
carpenter a person who builds or repairs houses and other things made of wood.
greedy having a very strong desire for ever more money or things.
habit a regular action or activity.
harness a set of straps by which a work animal is attached to a cart, carriage, or plow. The harness is used to control and guide the animal.
injury damage or wrong that causes physical or mental pain or hardship.
lamp a device that uses electricity, oil, or gas to produce light. A lamp usually stands on a desk, table, or floor.
meat the flesh of animals when used as food.
nod to move the head up and down in order to greet or agree with someone.
pray to request in a serious and sincere way, especially of one's god.
punishment a way of causing someone to suffer or experience something bad for having done something wrong.
salad a mixture of raw vegetables served with dressing.
set to put in a particular place.
telephone to call or speak to someone using an electronic device that sends and receives sound over long distances.
ugly not pleasant to look at.