Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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atavism the recurrence or reappearance of a particular trait, style, attitude, or behavior that seemed to have disappeared, or that which has recurred or reappeared after such an absence.
austere having only what is needed; very simple or plain.
blatant completely obvious or undisguised, sometimes offensively so.
cantankerous irritable, stubborn, and quarrelsome.
equivocal having at least two plausible alternative meanings, often intentionally so in order to deceive or avoid commitment; ambiguous.
gadfly a persistent critic, especially of established institutions and policies.
gird to surround, bind, or encircle, as with a belt.
hypocrisy the practice or an instance of stating or pretending to hold beliefs or principles that one does not actually live by; insincerity.
impugn to call into question; challenge or try to discredit.
mendicant living on charity; begging.
pronate to turn or rotate (the hand or forearm) so that the palm of the hand faces down or backwards.
proselytize to convert or try actively to convert (others) to one's own beliefs or religion.
pungent sharp and strong in taste or smell.
uxorial of, pertaining to, or befitting a wife.
voluble characterized by a steady flow of words; fluent; talkative.