Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administrate to manage, handle, or supervise.
avoidance the act of keeping away from or keeping from happening.
bard in ancient Celtic times, a person who composed and recited or sang epic poetry.
collective of or relating to a group that is composed of individuals but is considered together.
compliant willing to cooperate or agree; accommodating.
evolution the process of changing and adapting to an environment over time.
inflate to make larger or expand.
juror a person who is a member of a jury.
notch (informal) a little bit.
paramount most important; chief; highest.
petition a formal, written request by many people that is made to a person in authority.
projection a guess of a future situation based on looking at the present situation.
refugee a person forced to leave his or her home or country to seek safety or protection.
ultimate last or farthest in a progression; final.
unnecessary not needed or required.