Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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attrition a gradual erosion of strength or morale.
celibate abstaining from sexual relations, especially because of having taken a vow.
disconsolate hopelessly unhappy; dejected.
disparage to depreciate or belittle, especially in speech.
dissimilar not alike; different.
encumber to hinder the normal progress, performance, or use of.
euphemism the word or expression so substituted.
fop a man who is highly concerned with, and often vain about, his appearance and manners; dandy.
gargantuan (sometimes capitalized) of enormous proportions; huge; gigantic.
jeopardize to cause to be in danger or at risk; imperil.
ludicrous worthy of mockery; laughable and ridiculous.
nemesis that which one cannot beat, conquer, or succeed at; cause or agent of one's often repeated downfall.
shamble to walk slowly, unsteadily, or awkwardly.
singe to burn slightly on the surface, end, or edge.
tedium the state or condition of being dull, boring, or wearisome; monotony.