Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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caucus a private meeting of leaders of a political party to choose candidates or determine policy, or such a group itself.
decimation the act of destroying a large part or number of something.
deprave to change for the worse, especially morally; corrupt; pervert.
dishevel to make (hair or clothing) untidy.
entrench to establish firmly and unchangeably.
exhume to dig out, especially from a grave; disinter.
facile acting or working in an easy, effortless manner.
infidelity unfaithfulness, especially to marital vows; adultery.
inviolate not broken, disturbed, or profaned; pure or intact.
portly rather fat; stout.
recast to rewrite, reconstruct, or conceive again in a different form.
replenish to make complete or full again; refill.
shroud to screen or conceal.
succulent full of juice or sap; juicy.
vindictive desirous of revenge; vengeful.