Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beautiful very nice to see, hear, or feel.
dress to put clothing on.
dull not interesting; boring.
flour the ground meal of wheat or other grain. Flour is used to make bread, cake, and other foods.
honestly in an honest way.
jail a building in which a government keeps people who have broken a law.
loss failure to win; defeat.
punish to cause someone to experience a thing that is painful or not pleasant because he or she did something wrong.
scientist a person who works in or studies a science.
slot a long, narrow opening into which something may be put.
stand to hold your body upright by using your legs and feet, or to move to this position.
tag a piece of thick paper, thin metal, or plastic that gives information and is attached to something.
textbook a book used for teaching a particular subject.
useful having a practical use or purpose.
wear to have or carry on your body.