Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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childhood the period or state of being young and not fully grown.
confession the act of admitting as true.
database a large collection of information in a computer. In a database, information is arranged so that it can be quickly changed or searched through.
generous willing to give or share; not selfish.
guffaw a burst of loud or boisterous laughter.
harsh rough or not pleasing to the eyes, ears, or other senses.
intersect to cut across or pass through; cross.
laughter the act or sound of laughing.
minor less important or serious than others of the same kind.
realistic tending to see things as they really are; practical.
rugged having a surface that is rough and broken.
spend to pay out.
thoughtful having or showing careful thought.
tract an area of land or water.
unknown not familiar, or not figured out.