Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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akin similar in kind or spirit; alike.
append to add, especially as something extra at the end of a text.
cavity a hollow place or hole.
committee a group of persons chosen to give attention to a particular matter.
expend to use up.
indulge to give in to or satisfy a desire, appetite, or whim.
legislative having to do with the branch of government that has the power to pass laws.
memorable easily remembered; distinct or exceptional.
nonetheless despite the foregoing; still; even so.
penetrate to pierce or go into or through.
propel to cause to move forward; thrust, push, or drive.
quarantine the keeping of a person, animal, or thing away from others to stop a disease from spreading.
renowned known and praised by many; famous.
respondent a person who gives a reply or answer, especially to a survey or poll.
similarly in the same way or in the same amount.