Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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caucus a private meeting of leaders of a political party to choose candidates or determine policy, or such a group itself.
concomitant existing or happening at the same time as something else, especially as the less important thing or event; accompanying; attendant.
dirge a song or hymn for a funeral or memorial for the dead.
emanate to come or send forth; issue or emit.
extricate to free or release from difficulty, entanglement, or involvement; disengage.
gubernatorial of or pertaining to the office of governor or to a governor.
juxtaposition the state of being placed side by side, especially for the purposes of comparison and contrast.
libel in law, written or printed matter that is false, damages a person's reputation or material well-being, and arises from malice or extreme negligence.
negligible so small or unimportant as to be of no account; trifling or insignificant.
opprobrium a condition of disgrace or shame; ignominy.
overbearing arrogantly dominating; dictatorial.
reverent characterized by, showing, or feeling great respect and awe mingled with love.
rile to make angry; irritate or annoy.
seedy unkempt or shabby.
sordid morally bad; ignoble or base.