Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bait food used to attract and catch fish or animals.
caution care and attention to safety.
clothing things that you wear to cover the body; clothes.
cruel willing to cause pain or suffering; not caring if you hurt someone or something.
exact having no mistakes; correct.
feast A large meal with many different types of foods.
fence a structure used to mark off an area or to keep animals or people in or out.
hallway a narrow passage in a house or building; corridor.
lifetime the length of time something is expected to work well.
punch1 a hard, quick hit with the closed hand.
set to put in a particular place.
sudden happening without notice or warning; not expected.
think to judge or reason about something.
uphill on an upward slope or in an upward direction.
visit to go or come to see.