Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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clerk a person who does office work, such as keeping records, finding information, filing, and making copies.
distant far away in time or space.
fountain a spray of water created by a machine, or the structure from which the water flows.
guffaw a burst of loud or boisterous laughter.
melt to change from a solid to a liquid state through heat or pressure.
prefer to choose above all others as the best liked or most wanted.
restate to say or write again or in a different way.
rotate to cause to turn around on an axis.
soot a fine, black powder made during burning. Soot collects in chimneys or is carried into the air in smoke.
substantially to a large or significant degree; considerably.
symbol an object or picture that represents something else.
timber trees that are used as wood to build houses and buildings.
various of different kinds; diverse.
wealth a large amount of money or property or the state of having such.
well-known famous; familiar.