Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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balcony a platform with a low wall or railing that extends from the outside of a building.
bathe to give a bath to; wash.
block a solid piece of hard material with flat sides.
carpenter a person who builds or repairs houses and other things made of wood.
cart an open vehicle with two wheels used to carry a heavy load. An animal or a vehicle usually pulls a cart.
coin a piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round.
companion one who spends time with another or others.
crazy not reasonable or practical; silly; foolish.
flag a piece of cloth with special colors and designs used as a symbol of a country or organization.
nail a thin, pointed piece of metal with a flat top. You hammer nails into pieces of wood or other material in order to fasten them together.
president a person who leads a company, club, or other organization. A president of an organization can be elected or appointed.
score the total points earned in a game or test.
sport an activity in which people compete against each other. Sports have rules and require certain physical skills.
tablet a small, flat, round piece of medicine.
tiptoe the end or tip of the toe.