Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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activity a specific thing that people do.
audience a group of people gathered to see or hear something.
cellar a room that is built under the ground. People use it for storing things.
dinner the main meal of the day.
family a group made up of a parent or parents and their children.
file1 a place for keeping documents or other objects safe and in order. A file can be something that holds papers or a space on a computer.
fix to repair.
hiss to make a sound as if holding an "s" for a long time.
icicle a long, thin piece of ice that hangs from something.
message spoken or written information sent from one person or group to another.
nut a large seed that people or animals can eat that grows in a hard shell.
recycle to put used things through a process that allows them to be used again.
share a part of a whole amount.
snip to cut or clip with short, quick strokes of scissors.
sound anything that people or animals hear with their ears.