Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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championship the position or title of champion.
charm the ability to attract, delight, and please.
cheat a person who acts in a dishonest way in order to gain something.
coincide to be in the same place or happen at the same time.
deaf not able to hear, or not able to hear well.
deem to consider, suppose, or judge.
determine to decide or settle finally and without question.
fashion the style of clothes or way of acting that is popular.
foreigner a person who is born in or is from a different country.
frolic to act in a playful way by romping about, making merry, or playing jokes.
host1 a person who entertains guests.
labor hard work or effort.
provider a person or organization that is a source for or supplier of a particular product or service.
tradition the handing down of a culture's beliefs and customs from parents to children over many years.
wedge a piece of wood or metal shaped like a triangle with a thin edge. A wedge is driven or forced between objects to split, lift, or make them stronger.