Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acclimate to become used to new weather conditions or surroundings.
carnal of or pertaining to the flesh or body, especially sexual appetites and activities.
communal of or belong to members of a group; public; collective.
consolidate to join together into a whole; combine.
foray a quick raid or sudden advance, usually military and often to take forage or plunder.
glib speaking or prone to speak easily and fluently, especially in a careless or thoughtless manner, with little concern for the truth.
impeach to accuse a person in public office of wrong or improper conduct.
informant one who reports or confides what he or she knows to another; source.
longevity long life.
machination (usually plural) elaborate or devious schemes.
opulent having or displaying wealth and luxury.
parameter any of a set of specifications or limits, the value or variations of which determine the form or behavior of something.
primeval of or suggestive of the first age or ages.
surreptitious made, performed, or achieved by stealth or in secret.
typify to be the representative example of.