Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abduct to carry off or lead away by force; kidnap.
accommodate to have room for.
condemn to call wrong, evil, or inadequate; strongly disapprove of.
contemplate to look at carefully for a long time.
cower to crouch or cringe in fear.
embrace an act or instance of holding someone closely in one's arms; hug.
establishment the act of establishing.
excise1 a tax levied on the manufacture or sale of certain goods within a nation or state.
monotonous not interesting because of having to do the same thing over and over.
negative not helpful or constructive; critical; pessimistic.
picturesque as pleasing or interesting to look at as a picture or painting.
productive making or producing easily or in large amounts.
stabilize to become steady, firm, unwavering, or fixed.
tolerance willingness to accept people whose race, religion, opinions, or habits are different from one's own.
vault2 to arrive at a position or accomplish something suddenly, as if with a leap or spring.