Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afterward at a later time.
attic the space in a house that is under the roof and over the ceiling of the top floor. People often store things in the attic.
cheer happy or good feelings.
cord a covered wire that carries electricity to a piece of equipment such as a television or lamp.
damp wet, but not very wet.
delicious having a pleasing taste or smell.
flood a sudden, strong flow of water onto land that should not be under water.
forever continuing for all time.
gown a dress worn on special occasions.
illness the state of being unwell; sickness.
platform a raised, level surface used as a place to work, perform, or speak to an audience.
stun to shock or amaze.
swing to move or cause to move backward and forward around a point.
though used to connect two parts of a sentence when the meaning of one part seems to disagree with the other.
wide reaching across a large area from side to side.