Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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academy a private school or a school that offers special training.
burden something that is carried or difficult to bear.
capability the quality of being skilled or able; ability.
casual happening by chance; not planned.
communication the sharing or exchange of messages, information, or ideas.
darken to make more shadowy or less light.
deliver to send or bring to a particular person or place.
expand to make larger or wider.
heal to make whole or healthy again; cure.
melt to change from a solid to a liquid state through heat or pressure.
poetry short pieces of writing, in general, that use special rhythm, imaginative language, and often rhyme to create beauty or express unique thoughts and feelings.
proverb a short, often-used saying that expresses something wise or true.
residence a house or any other place where one lives; home.
result to happen because of something.
succeed to have a good or favorable result; do well.