Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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announce to tell or make known.
chief the most powerful or important person in a group; leader.
dip to put into a liquid for a short time.
diver a person who works under water, using special clothing and equipment for breathing.
enjoy to find pleasure in something.
justice the upholding of what is fair, just, and right.
lack the condition of being without something that is needed.
oar a long pole that is wide and flat at one end. Oars are used to row or steer a boat.
price the amount of money needed to buy something.
prize a reward given to the person who wins something.
quiet making little or no noise.
seed the small part of a plant with flowers that grows into a new plant.
shop a small store.
store a building or other place where you can buy things.
sweep to clear the floor of dirt or dust.