Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bait food used to attract and catch fish or animals.
bicycle a light vehicle with two wheels, one behind the other. You make the wheels turn by pushing on pedals.
boss a person who gives work to other people and tells them what to do; manager.
camp to set up a temporary shelter, such as a tent.
dusk the time of day just before night; last moments of twilight.
flour the ground meal of wheat or other grain. Flour is used to make bread, cake, and other foods.
friend a person whom you know well and like and who likes you.
hear to receive sound with the ears.
jealous feeling angry or sad when you want what another person has.
lamp a device that uses electricity, oil, or gas to produce light. A lamp usually stands on a desk, table, or floor.
notebook a book of blank pages to keep notes in.
pass to go past; move beyond.
sick having an illness; not well.
slot a long, narrow opening into which something may be put.
trouble serious difficulty.