Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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appear to begin to be seen.
bold having courage; having little or no fear.
bottle a container with a narrow neck used to hold or pour liquids. A bottle is usually made of glass or plastic.
course the direction or way along which something moves.
drip to come down in drops.
each every one of two or more things.
flicker1 to burn or shine in an unsteady way.
garden an area of land used for growing flowers or vegetables.
grab to take hold of suddenly or with force.
hang to attach to a point without support from below.
pillow a cloth bag filled with soft material used for resting the head while sleeping.
question a sentence that asks for an answer.
stall1 an area of a barn or stable used for holding a single animal.
tank a large container used to hold liquid or gas.
vacation a period of rest from school, work, or other activities.