Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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cavity a hollow place or hole.
censor an official who decides what art, movies, or books may be published. A censor works for a government, religion, or other organization, and promotes its ideas.
exotic from a foreign place.
germinate to start or cause to start growth; sprout.
imperial having to do with an empire or an emperor.
integrity a strong sense of honesty; firmness of moral character.
irk to annoy, irritate, or exasperate.
leery suspicious or mistrustful; wary (usually followed by "of").
obsolete no longer in use.
perplex to puzzle, confuse, or cause uncertainty in the mind of (a person).
pose a fixed position of the body.
publication the act of publishing printed material.
scorch to burn slightly.
theory a reasonable, widely accepted explanation for why something happens.
undergo to have the experience of; receive; endure.