Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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aid to give help to someone.
audience a group of people gathered to see or hear something.
bald having little or no hair on the head.
bruise to hurt a part of your body without breaking the skin.
deal to handle or give your attention to.
flap to swing or wave back and forth with a slapping sound.
front the most forward part or side of something.
nut a large seed that people or animals can eat that grows in a hard shell.
ranch a large farm where cattle, horses, or sheep are raised. There are many ranches in the plains of the United States.
rear being at the back part of something.
sew to make or repair with a needle and thread.
spice a substance from a plant that has a special taste. Spices are used to add flavor to food and drink.
stack a neat pile with one thing on top of another.
sweat to give off a liquid through the skin.
tray a flat, open piece of wood, metal, plastic, or some other material, used to carry, hold, or show food, drink, or small things. It often has a low edge.