Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accompany to go with.
balm a soothing, healing ointment, often fragrant.
clause a group of words that has a subject and a verb. Clauses can be part or all of a sentence.
commend to speak of with praise for some act or service.
commit to dedicate, devote or pledge.
frigid very cold; freezing.
imprison to put or keep in a prison.
meditate to think calmly, deeply, and at length (sometimes followed by "on" or "upon").
obstruct to block or clog.
ongoing continuing from sometime in the past into the present.
penal of, concerning, or giving out punishment, especially according to law.
phenomenon a happening or fact that can be seen or known through the senses.
regulation a rule or law that controls or directs people's actions.
scandal a reported behavior or event that is illegal or considered morally wrong and which causes strongly negative public reaction.
suppliant a person who makes a heartfelt request.