Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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conclave a secret, private, or confidential meeting or gathering.
declivity a downward or descending slope.
desiccate to remove the moisture in (food) so as to preserve it.
discountenance to embarrass or disconcert.
encomium a formal expression of praise.
ligature a band or tie.
liminal of or at the threshold of a physiological or psychological response or change of state.
louche of questionable decency, morality, or taste; shady; disreputable.
maverick a person who thinks and behaves independently, especially one who refuses to adhere to the orthodoxy of the group to which he or she belongs.
parlance manner of speaking or writing, especially word choice; vernacular.
pedantic making or characterized by an excessive display of learnedness, or overly insistent on scholarly details and formalities.
quiescence a state of inaction, rest, or stillness; dormancy.
shyster a person, usually a lawyer, who uses underhanded, unethical methods.
untoward unexpected and unfortunate.
vouchsafe to grant or give with condescension or as a special favor.