Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adjunct attached or connected but not fully integrated; supplementary; subordinate.
bate to moderate or control; restrain.
consequently as a result; therefore.
consultant someone whose job it is to give advice to others on a particular subject; expert.
dingy dirty or not cared for well.
incidental happening or likely to happen concurrently or in connection with something else but as a subordinate or less important element.
macho embodying or demonstrating a conception of masculinity emphasizing strength, assertiveness, and dominance.
offense the act of breaking a law or rule or doing something wrong; crime; sin.
pathetic causing feelings of pity or sorrow.
precise clearly said or communicated.
revise to change or make different.
scrounge to seek out and gather, especially by salvaging scraps (often followed by "up" or "together").
snob a person who admires and imitates people of a high social or intellectual class. Snobs act or feel superior to anyone of a lower class.
spectacular of or having to do with a spectacle; splendid; marvelous.
vengeance injury or damage done to a person in return for injury or damage inflicted by him or her; retribution.