Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appearance the act or an instance of coming into view or appearing.
awareness the state or condition of having noticed something or being conscious of something.
brighten to become or cause to be enlivened or more cheerful.
cable a bundle of insulated wires used to carry electric current.
compartment a part or area of something that is divided off as a section of the whole.
fascinate to attract and hold the attention and interest of.
fatal causing or able to cause death.
garb clothes, especially those characteristic of a particular profession, way of life, or the like.
gossip tales or talk about the personal lives and secrets of others when they are not present.
necessity a person or thing that is needed.
newly not long ago.
ogre an ugly giant or monster in folk tales and children's stories. Ogres are said to eat people.
ornament something that is added to make something more beautiful to look at; decoration.
threat a statement that harm or punishment will follow.
twinge a sudden, sharp pain that does not last long.