Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beach the land at the edge of a lake, ocean, or other body of water. A beach is often formed of sand or small stones.
citizen a person who is a member of a country because of being born there or being accepted as a member by law.
cream the part of whole milk that contains fat. Butter is made from cream.
cub the young of some mammals that eat meat, such as the bear and lion.
disturb to interrupt by making noise or doing something that draws away attention.
drip to come down in drops.
fit to be the right shape and size for someone or something.
heavy having much weight.
honesty the fact or condition of being truthful; integrity.
mop a tool with cloth at the end of a stick that is used to clean floors and other things.
patrol the act of guarding by making regular trips through.
police a department of a town, city, or state government that protects people and their property and makes people obey laws.
pretty pleasing or attractive to the eyes or ears.
relationship a connection between people.
thunder the loud noise you sometimes hear during a violent rain storm.