Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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buddy (informal) friend.
damp wet, but not very wet.
dirty not clean.
dive to move down from a high place at high speed, with the head or front part first.
film a movie.
fit to be the right shape and size for someone or something.
hairy covered with or having a lot of hair.
jet an airplane with engines that give off a flow of heated gases to cause forward movement.
jug a container for liquids. A jug usually has a handle and a narrow part for pouring.
marker a pen, usually with a felt tip, that makes thick lines of ink and is used for writing and drawing.
meal1 an occasion when people prepare and eat food at a specific time.
plus added to.
poison a substance that can kill or seriously harm living beings if it is swallowed, breathed, or taken in.
program a plan of what will be done or take place.
thick large from one side of a surface to the other side; not thin.