Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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abundant large in amount or number; more than enough.
amazement wonder; great surprise.
clench to close tightly shut.
common associated with all sides or with all members of a group.
cosmetic a preparation used on the face or body to make the person wearing it look more attractive. Lipstick, nail polish, and powder are cosmetics.
craft a trade or occupation that requires skill with the hands.
electronic having to do with devices, equipment, or systems that use electricity in complex ways while employing very tiny parts.
graphics (used with a plural verb) the charts, maps, drawings, and other images used in printed works such as books and magazines.
groove a long narrow cut or dent in a surface.
gulp to take large swallows of; drink or eat eagerly or rapidly (often followed by "down").
nibble to eat in small bites.
overflow to swell or spill over the top edge of something.
slender slim in an attractive way.
style the manner in which something is said or done.
whisk to brush off or carry off with, or as though with, a quick, light sweep of the hand or a brush.