Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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dead no longer alive.
lap the front of the body from the waist to the knees when you are sitting.
lawn an area of land where people plant grass and cut it to keep it short.
mild not harsh; gentle.
mixture something that is made by two or more things that are mixed together.
nighttime the time between sunset and dawn.
polite showing good manners.
respect to give honor to someone; to put someone in a high position in your feelings.
rod a straight, thin stick or bar.
spear1 a weapon with a long wooden shaft and a sharp pointed tip. Spears are thrown or thrust with the hand.
think to judge or reason about something.
traveler someone who goes from one place to another, especially over a long distance.
unlock to open the lock of something.
weight the quality that makes something heavy.
worker someone who does a job or has a job.