Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alimony money that a court orders one member of a divorced couple to pay to the other.
anomalous differing from the norm, standard, or common type or rule; abnormal.
chauvinist one who has a biased belief in the superiority of one's own sex over the other.
dehumanize to deprive of individuality, spirit, or other human qualities; render routine or mechanical.
denude to strip bare; remove covering from.
discontinuity lack of coherence or logical sequence.
gouge a cut or hole made with something sharp.
heterogeneous made up of parts or members that differ from each other. (Cf. homogeneous.)
impeach to accuse a person in public office of wrong or improper conduct.
intrusion the act of entering or thrusting oneself in when not invited or welcomed.
marquee a canopy or a covering like a roof over the entrance to a building. The marquee over a theater shows the title of the current play or film and sometimes the names of the actors.
severance the act, process, or result of breaking off or separating.
ultimatum a final statement of demands, especially when issued with a threat of action if rejected, as in a diplomatic discussion.
vibrant full of energy, life, or constant activity.
workaday ordinary; mundane; everyday.