Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
alimony money that a court orders one member of a divorced couple to pay to the other.
climactic pertaining to, reaching, or being the point of highest interest or intensity in a series of increasingly important points or events.
concealment the act of hiding something from sight, or the condition of being hidden from sight.
detractor one who criticizes or disparages an idea, cause, or person to undermine support or popularity.
enclave a small territory or country mostly or completely surrounded by another.
endorse to give support to; approve of.
epitaph on a gravestone or tomb, an inscription commemorating the dead person.
firmament the entire arch of the sky; heavens.
haggard having a very tired, worried, or wasted look.
perturb to cause great disturbance in (the mind); agitate or worry.
prostrate to lie or throw (oneself) flat on the ground, especially face down in an act of humility, worship, or the like.
protégé a person under the care or sponsorship of an influential patron.
stalemate any situation in which a further action, offer, or the like is impossible or unlikely; deadlock.
usurp to take and hold (a right, position, office, or the like) illegally, wrongfully, or by force.