Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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desk a piece of furniture with a flat surface used for writing, using a computer, or reading. Desks usually have drawers where you keep paper, pens, and other supplies.
exactly in a correct or accurate way.
explorer a person who travels through an area that is unknown to find out what is there.
fear a strong feeling you get when you expect danger or pain.
gather to bring together into one place; collect.
joke a short story with a funny ending that is told to make people laugh.
lawn an area of land where people plant grass and cut it to keep it short.
movie a motion picture; film.
praise to speak well of.
shut to close by moving something that covers an opening.
sink to fall slowly to a lower level.
steer to make something move in a certain direction.
tone a single sound in music or a sound that is similar to music.
trace a very small amount of something.
wool the thick, soft hair of sheep and some other animals, which is often used by people to make fabric for clothes, blankets, and other things.