Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arrangement the way in which a group of things lie or have been placed.
awareness the state or condition of having noticed something or being conscious of something.
combine to bring or join together into a whole.
curb a raised rim where a street meets the edge of the sidewalk.
definite clear or exact.
dribble to drip or flow slowly in drops.
education the act or work of learning or training.
extremely very; to a great or high degree.
illegal against the law or rules; not lawful.
misfortune an instance of something very bad or unlucky happening.
scuffle to take part in a brief, confused fight.
stream a flowing body of water such as a river, creek, or brook.
theatrical of or relating to dramatic performance or the theater.
thrill to cause to feel a sudden, sharp excitement.
tuck to gather up and push in or turn under the loose end or edge of.