Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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cession the act of formally giving up or signing over, as a territory; ceding.
demarcate to set apart or separate, as if with boundaries.
dilatory used to cause a delay.
disallow to refuse to allow or admit; reject.
disheveled not neat; messy.
epicure a person who has cultivated tastes, as in food or wine; connoisseur.
extirpate to get rid of completely, as if by pulling up the roots; root out.
facsimile an exact copy or duplicate of something printed or of a picture.
kismet destiny, fortune, or fate.
lachrymose weeping, tending to weep readily, or being on the point of tears; tearful.
lorgnette eyeglasses, such as opera glasses, that have a short handle by which one holds them in position.
obfuscate to make (something) seem or be difficult to understand; obscure or darken.
oblique not direct or straightforward in intent, means, or achievement; indirect or devious.
sagacious possessing or characterized by good judgment and common sense; wise.
tyro one who is beginning to learn a business, trade, sport, or the like; novice; neophyte.