Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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dialectical of or using logical analysis or argument that reveals and resolves opposing ideas or contradictions.
diaphanous of fabric or the like, almost transparent; sheer; filmy; delicate.
eccentricity an odd or peculiar behavior, habit, interest, or the like.
morass something that hinders passage or engulfs an unwary person.
platitude an overused, dull, or trivial remark; hackneyed expression; cliché.
problematic presenting difficulties or causing doubt; questionable.
prodigious inspiring wonder and admiration; marvelous.
sear1 to burn or scorch the outside of.
senile showing certain characteristics of old age, especially a deterioration of mental faculties or emotional control.
severance the act, process, or result of breaking off or separating.
stalwart steady and loyal; reliable.
stodgy lacking the ability or inclination to act informally or to find humor or enjoyment in things that others might; stuffy; prim.
tenet any belief, opinion, doctrine, or the like, that a person or especially an organization holds as being true.
visceral stemming from instinct or intuition rather than the intellect.
wanton lacking restraint in the pursuit of sexual pleasure.