Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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abundant large in amount or number; more than enough.
amuse to hold the interest of in a pleasant way; entertain.
conduct to lead or guide.
delay the act of putting off until a later time.
excellence the condition of being very good or outstanding.
manual a book of instructions.
mope to act dull and sad; sulk; pout.
neither not one or the other of two (usually paired with "nor" in a sentence).
reputation the level of respect with which a person is thought of by others.
shred a long strip that is torn or cut off, or almost torn off.
spread to open or stretch out.
suspect one who is believed to have committed a crime or done something wrong.
tourist a person who is travelling for pleasure.
vaccine a substance used to protect people and animals from very serious diseases. Vaccines contain germs of a particular disease--these germs been killed or changed in a certain way in a laboratory to make them safe. A vaccine goes into a person's body in a shot that is given by a doctor or nurse. After a vaccine is put into a person's body, that person will not get that disease or will get only a mild case.
wholesome good for the health of one's body or mind.