Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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avalanche the sudden rush of a large amount of snow, ice, or rocks down a mountain.
behavioral of or concerning the actions and reactions of a group, person, animal, or thing.
characteristic something that makes a person or thing different from others.
clan a group of people from the same family.
decoy something used to attract animals or people into danger. Wooden decoys in the shape of birds or animals are often used by hunters to lead animals into a trap.
democrat a member of the Democratic Party of the United States.
eccentric not behaving or thinking in an ordinary or accepted way; odd; peculiar.
influence to have an effect on a person's actions or thoughts.
inhibition the condition of being held back or prevented from acting, as by one's own fear or embarrassment.
institutional of, relating to, or resembling an institution or institutions.
niche a hollow place set into a wall to hold a statue or some other object.
optimistic likely to be hopeful that things will work out well.
parasite a plant, animal, or fungus that lives on or in another living thing, called the host. A parasite gets its food and energy from the host organism.
summary a short and usually comprehensive statement of what has been previously stated.
verdict the decision of a judge or jury in a law case.