Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apparently judging from all available information or visible evidence; seemingly.
betray to help the enemy of; commit treason.
copper a reddish brown metal that is one of the chemical elements. Copper is used to make pipes, because it does not easily rust. It is used to make wires, because it is an excellent conductor of electricity. It can be combined with other metals to make alloys such as brass and bronze.
definition the statement of the meaning of a word or phrase.
drizzle to rain in light drops.
hive something built for or by bees to live in.
interest the desire to learn, know, or take part in something.
launch1 the act of putting into motion with force.
lumber1 logs cut into boards or beams for use in building.
middle-class of or pertaining to the segment of people in a society who are neither of high rank or low rank with respect to wealth or social status.
pneumonia a serious disease in which the lungs become swollen and painful and fill with liquid. Pneumonia is caused by viruses or bacteria.
shawl a piece of fabric that is worn over the shoulders or around the head and shoulders. It is larger and heavier than a scarf.
sustainable of or related to a method of managing or using a resource so that the resource is never used up or forever damaged.
tax a sum of money paid to a government, which the government uses to pay for its services to the people and to maintain itself.
wheeze to breathe with a hoarse or whistling sound.