Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abate to become less in amount or intensity.
bourgeois of, related to, or characteristic of the middle class.
buxom of a woman, having a full figure and healthy appearance.
dehumanize to deprive of individuality, spirit, or other human qualities; render routine or mechanical.
equestrian of or relating to horseback riding.
equivocate to express oneself ambiguously, often to avoid giving a direct answer or to deceive.
flamboyant exceptionally showy or dashing in one's speech, manner, or appearance.
fluency the ability to speak or write smoothly and easily in another language.
incorporate to include as part of a larger thing; blend.
interject to insert (a remark or comment) between words or remarks or in the middle of a conversation or discussion.
opulence the condition of being luxuriant and costly.
pinnacle the highest point or part of anything; apex; summit.
protagonist the leading character in a literary work.
reaffirm to verify by asserting again.
remuneration pay, reward, or compensation.