Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ambassador a person who is sent by the government of one country to be its official representative in another country.
congenital existing from birth, but usually not hereditary.
deluge a flood caused by a great amount of water.
hostile feeling or showing dislike; unfriendly.
justify to show to be true or right; prove.
merge to mix or combine into a single unit.
plume a large, fluffy, colorful feather.
rampart a mound of earth raised to serve as a defensive fortification, often topped with a protective wall.
repeal to do away with or cancel officially.
replica a duplication or copy, especially one smaller than the original.
specificity the quality of being exact, precise, or particular.
toxicity the condition, property, or fact of being poisonous or containing poisonous substances.
toxin any poisonous substance that is produced by living cells or living organisms.
undo to release from or remove wrapping or fastening from.
valve a device that controls the flow of a liquid or gas through a pipe or tube.