Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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backwater any place that is seen as primitive, unchanging, or stagnant.
chasm a deep crack in the earth's surface.
contrive to plan in a clever way; invent.
disparity the condition or an instance of being unlike, unequal, or of different kinds; difference.
forthcoming about to appear or happen.
imbalance a defect in proportion or balance between elements.
insurrection an act or instance of open rebellion against a government or other authority; uprising.
mendacious untruthful.
monolithic large, unyielding, and without diversity.
plummet to fall sharply down, especially at high speed; plunge.
prodigious inspiring wonder and admiration; marvelous.
pummel to strike heavily with or as if with the fists, a sword, a club, or the like; beat.
reminiscent having qualities or characteristics that remind one of someone or something (usually followed by "of").
rudiment (often plural) something in an initial, imperfect, or undeveloped form.
subtlety the quality or condition of being difficult to detect or define.