Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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chief the most powerful or important person in a group; leader.
fault something wrong with a thing or person that causes problems for someone or something else.
firm1 not soft.
foggy full of or covered by fog.
gulf a large area of ocean partly surrounded by land.
hair a single, thin structure like a thread that grows on the body of humans and some animals.
leap to jump into the air either straight up or across a distance.
lesson a period of instruction with a teacher, or a specific group of things to be learned or studied together.
odor a smell, often a bad one.
party a group of people coming together to celebrate or have fun.
trash anything that is thrown away because it is not wanted.
wait to stay in one place until an expected event happens.
weed any plant that grows wild in places where people do not want it to grow.
wheel a round thing that turns in circles and allows cars, trucks, bicycles, and other things to move.
wish to desire; want.