Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abasement the act of bringing down or the state of being brought down in rank, status, or reputation.
buoyancy the capacity to float or rise to the top in a liquid or gas.
cistern a tank or other receptacle for catching and storing water, especially rainwater.
condescension patronizing, arrogant behavior or attitude.
connote to suggest or imply (meanings or associations) in addition to the literal meaning.
culinary of, concerning, or used for cooking.
graphic of or related to pictures or writing such as photography, painting, and printing.
magnate someone of exceptional power, wealth, or influence, especially in business.
patronize to act in an offensively superior manner toward.
perdition the loss of the soul for eternity; damnation.
ratify to approve in an official way; confirm.
reticent reluctant to speak; not given to frequent speech; restrained; shy.
sanction permission for an action; approval.
trepidation a condition of anxiety or dread; alarm.
vintage a class of objects produced during a certain era or year.