Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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boudoir a woman's private sitting room or bedroom.
disheveled not neat; messy.
effete marked by excessive refinement or delicateness of taste.
epicene sharing the traits of both sexes.
exponent one that expounds or interprets.
flange a collar or rim that projects from a pipe, housing, or the like to provide strength, stability, or a place for attaching other parts.
frangible easy to break; breakable; fragile.
interdict to deter or impede by the steady use of firepower.
malaise a state or condition of feeling generally unwell, mentally depressed, sluggish, or uneasy.
minatory presenting a threat; menacing.
prolix wordy and boringly long.
quondam having been in the past; former.
sere1 dried up or withered.
stately dignified.
welter to roll about or wallow, as in mud or the open sea.