Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appearance the act or an instance of coming into view or appearing.
attempt an effort to do or accomplish something.
congratulate to praise and express pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
formula a rule or way of doing something expressed in a standard way using words or symbols.
intelligent having a great ability to reason and understand.
interest the desire to learn, know, or take part in something.
nowadays during these present times.
rectangle a flat, closed figure with four straight sides, four right angles, and opposite sides parallel to each other.
self-esteem confidence or pride in oneself; self-respect.
stake1 a sharpened or pointed post that is driven into the ground. Stakes can be used to mark a place or to support something.
statue a piece of art that is shaped or put together out of stone, metal or other material. Statues are often in the form of a human or animal.
strict requiring obedience or hard effort.
tragic causing death, destruction, or disaster.
vast very large in size or area.
vine a plant having a long, thin, woody stem that climbs up a support or creeps along the ground.